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  • How the immune system fails as cancer arises

  • New, rare type of small cell lung cancer identified

  • Novel bone cancer therapy which has 99% success rate

  • Researchers identify factor that drives prostate cancer-causing genes

  • Inflammation leaves a long-lasting impression on intestinal stem cells

  • Combo immunotherapy produces distinct waves of cancer-fighting T cells with each dose

  • Key discovery to reduce breast cancer recurrence

  • Validated target for personalized cancer immunotherapy

  • Diet as a main risk factor for colon cancer in younger adults

  • AI model aids early detection of autism

  • Make Breakthrough In Studying Deadly Ventilator Pneumonia

  • JAK inhibitor improves multiple autoimmune conditions in Down syndrome

  • Hidden mechanism connects cancer and diabetes

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Fast magnetic resonance arthrography of the labrum

02 Jul 2021

Research question: Short vo .... More

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Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy

Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy (JCRT) is an international r.... More

Journal of Modern Human Pathology

Journal of Modern Human Pathology (JMHP) is an international refe.... More

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“The Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy is an international journal that published good research relating the cancer research and therapy. I had a very pleasant experience publishing in this j... More

“I believe that JCRT is one of the most seious, relevant, quick, and elegant way to share our research, opinions, and medical experience, with the international medical community.” ... More

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